Ffmpeg av1 support
Ffmpeg av1 support

ffmpeg av1 support

  • ARIB STD-B24 capture support based on libaribb24.
  • Support to decode AV1 through libdav1d.
  • As we read in its official statement, below you have "some of the outstanding news" that comes along with the new version. The new version has arrived eight months after the previous version, a v4.1 that introduced some new features such as support for AV1 in MP4 and Matroska / WebM. The new version has made a total of 35 changes, among which we would highlight the support for the AV1 codec through libdav1d. In fact, a lot of multimedia software is based on it.

    ffmpeg av1 support

    Also yesterday, the project launched ffmpeg 4.2, codenamed "Ada", to continue improving a framework that was already very powerful and that allows us to perform many tasks related to video and audio. By pure chance, yesterday we published two articles talking about FFmpeg, one about how to convert audio files to other formats and another to record our desktop screen.

    Ffmpeg av1 support